Presenting a Religious Moli Kalawa Wrist thread Band. Mouli or Kalawa is a cotton red thread roll considered to be very sacred and used in all religious purposes of the Hindus. The Mouli thread is an integral part of any puja. Color : Red Yellow Kalava is the sacred Hindu thread also called mauli in Hindi. It is worn while performing Hindurituals like YajnaorPuja. It is tied by aprieston the wrists of all the people attending the prayer ceremony. Kalava is tied on right hand of males and unmarried females and on left hand of married females. Sometimes it has small yellow parts in between the mostly red string. It sometimes has knots which are tied up while reciting Sanskrit mantras to invoke Brahman and is worn to ward off evil from the person who wears this red thread.Once tied one is not supposed to untie this thread for a particular period depending upon the type of ritual. Some people tie them up till next sankalp taken. However it usually continues for a week after puja. Many follow this for two to four weeks.