Natural vibes anti acne and skin whitening will help you fight acne blemishes dark spots black/white heads and also lighten your skin tone. Our products are ayurvedic proprietary formulations that will help you fight multiple skin problems at once. Made with: tea tree aloe vera and neem this will help you pull the dirt out of your pores leaving you with a clear and glowing skin. Natural benefits gifted by our mother nature: 1. Tea tree being antiviral antiseptic and anti-in nature works best to relieve acne blemishes itching redness and burning. It further helps in reducing the sebum production in the skin thereby protecting your skin from further outburst of acne. 2. Aloe vera is a natural anti ageing ingredient that helps in pulling years off your face. Aloe vera is known to fight the uv rays we are exposed to on a daily level thus working as a sun damage control agent. 3. Neem leaves being high in fatty acids and vitamin e are great to black and white heads and tenderly heour damaged skin. It acts as a moisturizing agent that your wrinkles and dark circles and tones your skin giving you a flawless complexion. Suitable for - all skin types. Our ayurvedic products are perfectly safe to use for over 6 years of age adults and women. Our is absolutely easy and non sticky! 1. Apply the serum every night before sleeg and leave it on. Sleep well drink lots of water (jala) and let us work wonders on your skin. If not night feel free to apply the serum absolutely any time of the day. 2. It is advised to apply the serum before and after make up application in order to avoid any skin infections or allergies. Let's connect: care@naturalvibes. in Facebook - love natural vibes Instagram - love natural vibes YouTube - love natural vibes